Monday, March 25, 2013

Glaciers Part II: Fitz Roy

Hi all,

After some excellent glacier-gazing days in the southern part of Los Glaciares National Park, we moved to El Chaltén, a tiny town on the park’s northern edge to continue our trend of sweet hiking in the most BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINS EVER! We spent four days exploring the park and enjoying incredible views of the epic granite monolith that is Mt. Fitz Roy. By far the awesomest of these days (and maybe even one of the awesomest days of our trip!) was the day that we hiked to the wildly turquoise glacial lake at the base of Fitz Roy itself. SO AWESOME. Nine hours, a 3,000 foot scree-scramble, and 4 apples later (we clearly did not realize the scope of our undertaking when packing our lunch...), we were thoroughly exhausted, sweaty, and EXTREMELY PLEASED with our day’s accomplishment. Instead of describing the wildly UNREAL scenery for the next 10 paragraphs (which I totally could), I’ll just include some pictures, which can speak for themselves (and are more fun to look at than a lot of typing anyway!).
Celebrating awesome-ness at Lago Torre

Lago Torre!
Too soon after an intense uphill slog...

...but the climb was definitely worth it! Hello, MONTE FITZ ROY!


Post- Fitz Roy madness, we packed up for our grand move north to Farmland! And only two solid days on a bus later, we had arrived in an Eden of sheep, walnuts, jam, and 16 other young people from around the world intent on learning the ins and outs of subsistence living. More to come.

P.S. Our e-mail inboxes are always open in case anyone feels like telling us news. We would love to hear from any and all of you!


  1. Gah.... I want your life so much!! So glad you're having so much fun!

  2. wow, and commenting is more complicated than I initially assumed!
