Thursday, March 14, 2013

Update: Nepal, Christmas, and la vita Italiana!

Hi guys!

Sorry for the extremely long radio absence... Life has been incredibly full and spectacularly AWESOME! The remainder of my time in Nepal was a lot of trekking (3 weeks, to be exact) to unbelievably HUGE mountains through tropical jungles, evergreen forests, rocky tundra, and finally barren glacial deserts. The stars, views, and wind chill were all unreal... Generally, just a really wild adventure! Then, we moved west to a tiny village called Ale Gau (in total, about 10 mud houses) where our Nepali instructor Amrit grew up. We spent 2 weeks teaching in the local school, harvesting rice, millet, and lentils with our homestay families, and observing and partaking in a lifestyle different from any I’d ever experienced. We did a lot of cool day hikes in the surrounding valley, watched some really stunning sunrises over the ever-looming Annapurna range, tried (and failed) to milk buffalo (we did drink a lot of fresh buff milk, though. Verdict = warm, creamy, and EXTREMELY DELICIOUS), and came to the unanimous conclusion that village life in rural Nepal is probably the greatest ever.

I was home for a month over Christmas eating cookies, skiing, and roadtripping through California with my sister, and then flew to Rome in January! I spent 5 weeks zigzagging my way all over Italy with my friend Chrissy from Nepal. Our approximate itinerary was Rome (art, architecture, lots and lots of RAIN. Who knew that the Mediterranean had winter?) Then.. Florence, followed by all the rest of Tuscany (lots of rolling hills and spectacular views and tasty, tasty paaasta!). Then, a long train North to the Dolomites and Turin (the birthplace of chocolate covered ice cream bars. Yes PLEASE!), then down south to Naples (Pompeii and PIZZA), and onto a ferry and over a smallish sea to Sicily! We spent two weeks on the island taking cooking classes from the hysterical woman who rented us our apartment (I can now make pistacchio pesto like a FIEND) and basking in the glorious and long-awaited sun! Chrissy flew back to the States in mid-February, and I spent a solo week hiking along the Amalfi Coast... which is incredibly touristy, but for very good reason. White sand beaches, tiny, colorful cottages hanging off of cliffs over sparkling turquoise water... kind of just really spectacular. Then, after a solid month plus of gastronomic adventuring (intermingled with cultural learning, of course!), I flew from Rome to Santiago, where I met Jihelah to begin the South American leg of our adventuring!


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